Quick Leadership Tips Blog
Don’t Do Meeting Agendas
It’s not a type-o. That’s right. Stop doing them. All these meetings but still most of us come out confused. We ask ourselves things like, “Did we get anything done? I didn’t get the answer I needed to move forward. What’s everyone getting Millie and Jimmy for a wedding gift?”
What's Most Important When Hiring: Performance or Culture?
What if the person ends up being a brilliant jerk? I got pulled into a debate on LinkedIn recently: If forced to choose just one; What’s most important: Hiring for performance or hiring for culture?
How to Strategically Recession-Proof Your NonProfit
When most of us think of nonprofits, our minds go to places like billion-dollar charities like the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army or St. Jude’s. They’re great charities who have helped change millions of lives but the vast majority of nonprofits have budgets of under $1M annually. In fact, an astounding 92 percent raise under $1M.
Here's Why not to do an Annual Review
Annual reviews are a waste of time. We haven’t done one in almost a decade.
In the last week, I’ve come across several reminders from large recruiting firms reminding companies that it’s important to hold an annual review.
One did an informal poll and an unbelievable 65 percent still do annual reviews. Why are we waiting months to tell people what they’re doing well and where they can improve?
Don’t Wait for New Year’s to Start Again
It’s something I’ve always told my kids, “it’s never too late to start your day over again.” Like yours, mine have had days with rough starts - misplaced shoes, lost tempers, forgotten homework, squabbles with friends, and even yelling at the principal during lunch while standing on a chair.