Quick Leadership Tips Blog

Jamie Bearse Jamie Bearse

Start Treating Volunteers and Donors the Same

One of the best ways for these charities to regain momentum is to stop splitting donors and volunteers apart. Some nonprofits are still keeping these two groups separate - having development staff build relationships with donors while event managers create and empower a volunteer base.

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Jamie Bearse Jamie Bearse

Don’t Wait for New Year’s to Start Again

It’s something I’ve always told my kids, “it’s never too late to start your day over again.” Like yours, mine have had days with rough starts - misplaced shoes, lost tempers, forgotten homework, squabbles with friends, and even yelling at the principal during lunch while standing on a chair.

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Jamie Bearse Jamie Bearse

Doing Stuff that Scares Us

I try to be my best self but don’t always succeed. I watch a TV show instead of reading or eat a cookie instead of hitting the karate bag or doing yoga. Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves there's no more running around in circles or chasing our tail - just move forward today on.

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